Friday, March 21, 2008

Becca ribbon storage idea

In Becca's words:
To begin I purchased one of these three drawer units from Michaels for around $10.00, a package of small black hair rubber bands and purchased a sheet of mat board which I cut down into pieces measuring 2.5" wide by 2" high. I decided on the matboard because I found cardboard bobbins you can purchase at the craft store to be too small and too flimsy. I divided the drawers into four sections by putting in three 13" pieces of matboard and anchoring them with tape. I rolled all my ribbon that were lengths of 5 yards and less onto the bobbins that I had cut. Now, just a warning, the rolling of the ribbon takes a little bit of time. I saved it by rolling when I was watching TV and even carried a small bag of ribbon and bobbins in the car to roll while I was waiting in the car or at the doctor office.

There are even more ideas on how to store ribbons.

For more photos and info click here.
For the main page of her amazing blog click here.


  1. More great tips!!! I love the 1st one and think that it is very do-able for me.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for sharing such ideas found on the web. Me encantan y me dan muchas ideas para organizar mi sala de scrap(pues solo una pequena parte de mi habitacion.
    feliz pascua.

  3. now that is a great idea :)

  4. Anonymous1:38 am

    How bout using this as a storage unit. A folding rolling cart that you can use to pack away your items.

  5. Love Becca's idea, didn't want to stick pins in my ribbon causing runs and tape just never works. This I am going to try!
