Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A week by week organizing guide

Hi all, I am so excited to be one of the Crafty Storage contributors and can not wait to share my finds with you! Now on to my first post.

For 29 weeks, Wookiemouse guided scrapbookers trough an Organize your Stuff Challenge, in which we overhauled our spaces and organized everything in them, she really thought of everything, from pictures and scraps to fonts on your computer and what to do when you don't have time to put your new stuff away....

Even though the challenge is over this is a great guide if you need to change your room or make your room, be sure to read the comments as they provide great solutions too.... She includes links to all the product she uses, photos of most of her before and afters and provides you with her 10 rules of organizing I highly recomend to print these and put them in every room that needs to be organized..

I learned a lot from this and will post how my room turned up in my next post sometime in February.
This is a link to the first post of the challenge

And here's the link to the main blog page


  1. Just wanted to say that I found this website a few weeks ago and quickly printed out the first couple of posts, so that they didn't disappear on me. I am following this along and think that it is a great idea...thanks for sharing this with everyone!

  2. Great ideas. Thanks.

  3. Excellent blog - Thanks for posting!

  4. Rukhshana4:03 pm

    I love the new look of the blog. Thanks to all the people who have taken over from Paula - I love looking at all the fab storage ideas.
