Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jessica's updated crafts room!

When I joined the Crafty Storage team, I told Paula that I think I may enjoy organizing my crafts room more than I like actually crafting. So it was with glee that I was "forced" to reorganize my crafts room when we bought a treadmill (that we decided to keep in the room.)

Here's a view of my main workspace, my desk. You'll notice my punches and ribbon are close at hand, and a peg board holds most of my tools within easy reach.
I have a LOT of Ikea items in my crafts room. It's my go-to store for organization furniture and accessories! Another store I like to browse for storage options is my local hardware store. That's where I found the storage cabinets below (meant for garage storage of nails and such) that hold small embellishments such as brads, flowers, and eyelets.
You can see more of my updated crafts room on my blog, including photos of my previous room(s).

Do you have a fun and funky crafts room that you want to share? If so, please email the crafty storage team with a link to your blog, and you may just be the next featured crafter!

Posted by Jessica

1 comment:

  1. Oh loooove! I'm so jealous!!! It's perfect!
