Friday, May 28, 2010

thinking outside the box...

...or inside the box, as the case may be.

We live in a condo, so I'm constantly on the lookout for new storage ideas.  Since I enjoy making cards, I had to get creative when it came to storing my masterpieces (ha, ha...).

These photo boxes (the lid is not featured in the pictures) sit on the shelves in our living room and yet they hide some frequently used greeting cards.  So simple...and yet so nice to have on hand and easily accessible. 

What do your photo boxes hold?

Posted by Anne


  1. Hi Anne... Great idea... My photoboxes are filled with old pictures all mixed up ..... Love this storage idea for cards... Thanks for the great tips !

  2. I store EVERYTHING in photoboxes. One for wire working tools, one for sculpty, one for acrylic paints, one for pearlex powders and the squirt bottles filled with powder and hairspray, one for envelops, several for cards and I think I even have one with photos in it.
