Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nancy's clever idea

This is the cheapest marker holder you will ever see, because is free. (Well, it is free if you consume the drinks already!)


  1. Thanks Paula!
    My "shelves" are now 3 tall x 4 wide ...and growing! :-)

  2. Seriously a couple of days ago I had a few of those can plastic things in my hand and thought to myself "you would think you could do something crafty with these" and whadya know lol Thanks for sharing!

  3. Super brilliant idea! Love it!

  4. These plastic drink rings are dangerous to birds and other wildlife, so it's great to see a handy use that will keep them out of landfills! Nancy has a lot of other good ideas on her blog, too.

  5. Love this idea! The link gave me some issues but I linked to this post over at my blog Storage Geek.
    Great blog btw!

  6. Oh my goodness I've been searching for inspiration for my new craft room and I just found your Blog! You are fab! Thank you for the inspiration, I'm off to add you to my blog roll xxxx
