Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Jen Unger's craft room


  1. I love your room, Paula! Very pretty and organized. I love the idea of using the clip it up for storing acrylic stamps. I have to borrow that idea. TFS!

  2. could you please tell me what your drawers are that have the metal tab/handle on the front that you are using?....I LOVE them and they seem quite sturdy....thanks....great room!!!!!

  3. Wow, I love it!!! Thanks for the before/after shots.
    I am working on my area as well. Got some good ideas from you!!!!

  4. I love your room. I am also working on mine as well. Thanks for the ideas. I found a few ideas I can use in my room.

  5. Wow. Your room is beautiful!!!

  6. @ Jann- the drawers are from Michaels, they are different cubes you can buy and assemble then stack which ever way you want. Hope that helps :)
