Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Robson & Mason Haberdashery's ideas

Laura runs Robson & Mason Haberdashery and she is passionate about everything creative but she believes that she must keep it tidy.

She stores buttons in great tubes which you can sew your favorite button on the end.
Jam Jars with different things stored inside.
Ribbons stacked onto of one another.

Mixed Beads stored in glass bowls, for when your hands feel like they need to be dipped in beads.
Bead Boxes are great for storing one type of bead.
Test Tube stands are great for storing tubes of beads.
Bobbin boxes keep bobbins neat and untangled.
To find more info on Robson & Mason Haberdashery, click here.


  1. Oh those beads in the jar look fabulous, almost like sweeties!

  2. Anonymous9:30 am

    Thank You so much for mentioning us Paula! That's just so lovely.

    We love tidy!

    Best Wishes and Thanks,


    Robson and Mason Haberdashery.

  3. Hi Paula: You've been tagged. Check out my blog for the details. I enjoy your blog so much. You sure are helping all of us to get our creative lives better organized.


  4. Paula, he llegado a tu blog saltando de uno en otro y me alegro mucho de conocerlo ahora, la idea de la mini percha para los lazos me viene fenomenal! para mi trabajo los tengo en cajas con compartimentos pero esto de poder verlos todos casi a la vez y mezclados entre si me encanta!
    gracias por tu blog te visitare con frecuencia !
    Un abrazo Esti

  5. Fab blog!There's an award for you on my blog.
