Sunday, February 14, 2010

Just Hangin’ Around

I’m Alyssa from the Persnickety Peacock, and if all goes well I’ll be around here on a semi-regular basis.

So let’s talk about organizing your craft space.

Raise your hand if you wish you had more space in your craft room. Well, I’m right there in the boat with you. Because I have no room and I refuse to give up any of my “cafting space” to storage, I always look for innovative ways to store my supplies.

One of my favorite organizational plans involves hanging your craft supplies. There are numerous tools that can be repurposed and hung around your room. Not only does this get your supplies organized, it creates beautiful eye candy and allows you to have easy access to all of your supplies.

For example, take your over the door shoe organizer.

Use this organizational tool to store your stash fabric…

Pictures from

Your scrapbook punches…

Pictures from Alyssa Barnes

The over the door hanging storage can hold almost any crafting supplies.

Be on the watch for additional posts about hanging craft storage!


  1. What a great idea!!! Thanks!

  2. This is great!!!! Now I just need about 5 more doors in my room... :D
