Monday, March 22, 2010

More Card Candy

This is another idea on how to store the Card Candy. I do admit that I am hooked on this product, so I have masses of it. As I am crafter by colour, I like to have my card candy organized by the colour spectrum, rather than collection of colours. So I use an ArtBin Solutions Box (4006AB) to store my Card Candy. By the way, dividing the card candy by colour is a job for only patient people.

This way I know when I have too many of a particular colour and not enough of another. And as you know I am storage fan -how, otherwise, would you explain the existence of this blog?- the Card Candy Storage box gets recycled for other uses.

So, what did I do with the Candy Store? Well, I use it to store other items like buttons or ribbon, or die cut shapes.

It is actually perfect to store small embellishments such as beads or brads. By the way, Craftwork Cards sells those ribbon boxes.


  1. I love to organize by color as well, patience is needed for sure. Have a good day!

  2. I'd love to have the room to organize by colour, but most of my stuff is in boxes organized by type, ie...all buttons together, all ribbons....
