Friday, March 19, 2010

Stephanie Lynn's Rustic Playroom Paradise!

This is a long post today, but I am super excited to share this room with you, it is more than cool, I don't think there is an adequate word for just how cool this creative space is.

Motivated bv Donna at Funky Junk Interiors, Stephanie Lynn of Under the Table & Dreaming, set completion date and got busy. This room encompasses everything anyone would need in a workshop {Sewing area, Craft Supplies, Gift Wrapping Station, Paint, Tools and lots of storage}Stephanie says this space is still a work in progress... Take a looksie for yourself and see just how awesome this space really is!

Paint Storage ~ frequently used paints and primers are stored on this old shelf below. The stacked crates to the left hold additional gallon cans of 'house paint'.

She recycled just about any shelf and storage unit she could scrounge up for this space.

Stephanie loves little tags...tea stained ones to be exact. The divided sections of an antique soda crate along with canning jars helps keep them organized.

Fabric Storage ~ To protect the fabrics sh decided to store them in plastic containers sorted by color. There are separate bins for felt as well as larger fabric remnants that are kept below in larger containers.

Stoneware & Tin molds

Stephanie loves the use of storage glass jars mainly because you can easily see what's inside. On the top shelf she has fabric scraps, buttons, and ribbon scraps; below that trimming, spooled ribbon, and twine; and on the bottom shelf embellishments, beads, coffee filters and shredded paper filler.

A Piece of Pegboard creates the perfect back drop for one of her crafting tables. Using 's' hooks and plastic bins, she was able to create much needed storage for all those tiny tidbits that come along with all crafting. Longer peg hooks hold spools of ribbon and scissors for a mini wrapping station.

This mini tool storage box is another wonderful option for organizing tiny trinkets and small treasures. The craft table is actually an old 8ft banquet table that she spruced up by stapling fabric to the top.

Canning jars make the best inexpensive decorative storage, she uses them to hold a lot of things like glitter. I imagine embossing powders and enamels would work nicely in there as well.

For fast and easy finding a particular acrylic paint, she dabs a tiny bit of paint on the lid and sorts them by color.

More canning jars...

Like many of us who love to store wrapping paper, it usually ends up crinkled and destroyed by the time she get around to using it. Her solution; store it up high and out of the way. A simple ribbon tied around each roll holds the paper in place and prevents unrolling. She also has a storage bin underneath the table that holds the gift bags, tissue and boxes within easy reach.

Tobacco wooden ladders and extra baskets...

Hanging basket trees are another wonderful organizing tool. She has a few hung from the rafters. One is the perfect storage for spools of wired ribbon and the other for rusty metal garland and wire.

An old wooden cupboard {minus the doors} sitting on top of a wooden hutch top creates sturdy storage for these containers.

Old wooden crates are her other go to for storage as shown here holding some terra cotta pots.

Modified antique chicken coops create perfect shelving as well. By simply cutting spare boards to size and placing them between the rails she was able to make the most out of the space. Another vertical antique soda crate makes the cutest little cubby.

Being able to easily see and access items helps keep her organized. By writing the name of each oil on the lid She can pull out what she needs without rooting through the entire bin.

Antique Textile Mill Sewing Bobbins...

More nifty, purposeful storage...

Candle Storage ~ The fabric covered crate is sturdy storage for glass jar candles. Votives are kept together in a metal pail and tapers in a basket below.

Repurposing an old wooden drawer for more storage.

A toy storage bin is another great catch all for small items.

Larger wreaths and frames are hung from the rafters by screwed in bike hooks.

The rafters are perfect for hanging large oversized items {one of the perks to an 'unfinished' space}. Behind the vintage sled a metal curtain rod suspended from more bike hooks makes perfect storage for baskets {another one holds more wreaths}- up high and out of the way.

She hopes to hook up this chandelier in the spring. It fits perfectly over the center table.

More rafter storage use...

More bike hooks suspended from the ceiling help keep these berry garlands in order. Stems and picks were placed in a galvanized tub.

Scrap wood and molding...

An old gear oil drum for the scrap metal...

The biggest best investment has been these tool chests. By giving everything it's space, it is easier to put things where the belong!

Her grandfather's old tool chest full, one of her favorite pieces is full of goodies.

She was also very lucky to inherit a wooden sewing table and bench... A small bushel basket holds extra thread spools and bobbins.

Another 8ft table sits in the center of the room providing a nice solid work area. More canning jars in old rusty garden baskets hold odds and ends within arms reach. Wooden stackable storage cubbies sit at the opposite end of the table for additional easy to reach storage.

A little inspiration to make her smile...

She has big plans for this desk as well come spring & some warmer weather. Right now a piece of wooden bi-fold doors and 's' hooks create a little nook to hang some gardening supplies. Wooden ladders make nice flag hangers as well.

If Stephanie's creative space didn't make you smile, I don't know what will, I just adore the charming, rustic look and feel, Makes me wanna throw away my IKEA and start over with found items, what an amazing job Stephanie, thanks for sharing this with us!


  1. Oh! I love how she looked at an item and reinvented it for a new purpose! So many wonderful ideas!! Thank you so much for all the great photos :)

  2. that is a huge space and I love the rustic look. tfs!

  3. Emily6:50 pm

    Wow, she is ready to create anything. Love the space! Thanks for sharing! :o)

  4. Wow, this is such a cool place to create.

  5. I recommended this blog and it was totally right keep up the fantastic work
