Sunday, April 04, 2010

Christine's Room

It's hard not to accumulate lots of "stuff" when you're into papercrafting!

We all struggle with organization and that's probably why you're here - I know that's why I came to this blog.

Today I want to show you Christine's craft room. Christine has been hard at work reorganizing her room and it's finally finished!

This is what her room looks like NOW:

To reorganize your entire craft room is no easy feat!

Christine followed the week by week organization challenges from Wookiemouse at My Love Affair with the Label Maker. For the first post in this challenge click HERE.

To see more of Christine's finished room click HERE.

To see her before photos click HERE.

posted by Marie


  1. Thank you so much for featuring me, Marie. You are such a doll!!!


  2. What great blogs! It's totally inspiring me to 're-create my laundry/storage room when my hubby comes home from his deployment! Thank you!
