Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Projects in Progress" Storage.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that gets called away from the crafting desk in the middle of a project. Whether the kids start yelling, dinner is burning, or your pager goes off and you need to respond for a SWAT call (we're out there)... You don't want to leave all the work you've done just laying there to get lost or spilled on.
One of my newest additions to the "works for me" side of my storage list are these trays I found at Target. They are 13x13 so they hold your scrapbook papers and also fit in the IKEA Expedit shevling system. If you don't have these trays that maybe you can convert other trays around the house. Before this I was using paper box lids.


  1. These trays also fit wonderfully in the 4-shelf JetMax cubes. And Target also carries a divided tray as well. I use a divided tray to store my border & mini embossing folders. I love the idea of using the wide trays for projects-in-progress.

  2. Are those trays stackable?

  3. I was just wishing I had something like this to use when I am using glimmer mist or similar product. On to Target...
