Sunday, January 15, 2012

A bit of a breather

Well, now with a full time job finding time for this blog is more and more difficult.
So I am taking a break from posting, but hopefully one day soon I will resume things as normal.

Thanks for your understanding!



  1. I sure do understand, but I'll miss your posts.

  2. hi paula
    thank you for all the hard work you have done on this blog.
    sue xx

  3. I will miss your posts!
    But I wish you all the best!

  4. I understand.. but I will really miss your finds too!

  5. Anonymous1:34 am

    Awww...I just recently found you. Sure hope you find some time soon.


  6. Thank you for letting us know. We will miss your posts, but fully understand. Thanks for a "job well done".

  7. Same here! I´ll really miss your posts...but it shouldn´t be somthing that stresses you. So Just relax and post when you have the time.

  8. I too will miss your posts, have a well earned break from blogging

  9. I've really been missing your posts, Paula. I hope you'll be back soon, in the meantime, good luck with your job!!

  10. I completely understand! I do miss the posts though so I hope you are able to continue at some point! I am still planning my craft room for the day the basement gets finished which migh tbe few years away still!

  11. I totally understand, as I work full time too and I am working mandatory 6 days a week right now. Hopefully you'll have some extra time once in a while. I enjoy the ideas you share. Take care.

  12. Thank you for all the inspiration - as much as I understand I will miss your posts!

  13. I have missed your posts but understand. Hang in there!

  14. thanks for sharing your blog with us..I will miss it...Congrats on the job!

  15. i will certainly miss your postings as i had my kick ass craft room to share, but sure do understand that you need time for your real life. Enjoy the break and i look forward to when you start posting again.
    smiles from across the miles in Africa

  16. I completely understand. I rarely have time to update my blog as I work full time too. Plus, running with my daughter and all her activities. Don't stress over posting!!! Just post when you can!!! Your blog is the only one I visit regularly, so I will certainly miss your posts. You have done an AMAZING job with this blog!!! I will be visiting all your past posts to organize my scraproom!!!

    Take Care!!!

  17. Your posts will be missed by many! I completely understand as I work full time too and rarely have time to update my own blog. Do not stress over it!!! Just post when you can!!! Your blog is one of the few I read regularly. You have done an AMAZING job with this blog!!! I will continue to reference past posts for organizing my scraproom!

    Take care!!!

  18. congrats on the job but I will miss your daily dose of craftroom inspiration;)

  19. I have truly enjoyed receiving your posts, but completely understand needing a break.

    It's been a while since I last checked out all the older posts. This will be a good time to do it.


  20. Ditto here too! Will miss you, but have enjoyed your blog so much.

    Agree with previous poster - don't stress over it!

    Marilyn C.

  21. You have always been one of my favourite blogs and I shall miss it. I have certainly enjoyed getting some great ideas over the years. However, you must look after yourself first. So enjoy work and I hope you'll find time to view and enjoy other blogs. Thank you and best wishes.

  22. Oh... I'm so sorry to hear (well, it's good news, but you know...). I was wondering where did you disappear... now I know you're well, but I'll miss your posts so much! Anyway, goodluck and do try to post from time to time...

  23. Totally agree with everyone else. I shall miss your posts. When I set up my small scrap room a year ago your blog was my reference for ideas and was so very helpful. IT is so hard to juggle everything and you do need to take care of yourself. I will continue to use the ideas here for inspiration and hope one day you will be back. Thanks so much for all your hard work. Blessings, Linda

  24. Completely understand, but hope you do come back eventually. This is my "go-to" source for ideas & there are plenty to keep me quite busy! Thanks for all your hard work putting this blog together. Enjoy your break.

  25. How funny that I stumble onto your blog, and this post, when I just did the exact same thing - for the same reason!
    Hope you can come back...but I know how you feel!

  26. Congrats on your job! I hope you will be able to return soon...I know how it is, as I work full time and go to school full time. It gets pretty overwhelming!


  27. Just wanted to say how much I love your blog, and I can understand not having enough time now.
    I've gotten many good ideas here, and will continue to look back at older posts, until your next updates.
    tfs :)

  28. Thanks for sharing all these storage ideas in the past....still lots to look at.

  29. Anonymous5:32 am

    Like everyone before me:

    We will miss you
    Come back when you can
    Oh and you will be missed....still


  30. thats a shame but fully understandable it can be hard work keeping up with blogs you tube ect hope you wont be gone to long as i love to be nosy and get fab ideas for my room thanks for all your hard work in getting it up and running for so long hugs jayne xxx

  31. Awwww - so sad - I will miss your posts! But congrats on the full time job. I am sure I can find a bunch of previous posts I have missed to keep me occupied. Thanks for all the effort it has taken to keep up this great blog.

  32. I'm a little late to the party! I just found this site and I love it. I'm trying to find some ideas for re-vamping my space and have found a zillion ideas here. I wish I could find the magazine, but I'm sure I'm too late to find it anywhere.

  33. Real life has to prevail, so good luck. I just found your blog, but I can see there's tons to look at.

  34. I miss your blog post so very much!
    Greetings from Austria,

  35. We miss you!!

  36. Just wanted to leave you another note about how much I miss you. Totally understand though, good luck with everything!

  37. If you ever want any help in keeping up the blog I could always give you a hand, I'm a stay at home mom and love the ideas I get from this blog. Feel free to contact me at

  38. This are great storage ideas...

    email archive
