Apart from being a very talented paper crafter, Ivy Pe has great ideas on how to store things.
I like this entry in her blog where she recycles ideas and explains evolution on the storage front. Above there is the way Ivy stores her patterned paper, an idea from Real Simple.
Regarding the bit about buttons, I believe it is important to change those things that don't work. Just think what type of things you don't use often even though you like them. Provably you don't use them because they are stored in a non inviting way for you, ie, big jars of bottomless buttons, impossible to reach for that little one.

And the above picture shows how Ivy stores pre-scored cards. I have a very similar way and I have to say is pretty great to find easily the right colored/texture card.
Paula THANK YOU for featuring my little organization method :)
I just LOVE your BLOG and you know I'll be visiting OFTEN!
muchas gracias por compartir todas estas ideas con nosotros. Hay unas que espero poder usar en mi scrapsala. Cuando arreglaré todo, te mandaré unas fotos.
Te deseo un buen dia
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