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Monday, June 13, 2011

Apologies for the lack of posts

The last few weeks have been really crazy in terms of work, so it has meant that the blog has taken a bit of a break.
I do have quite a few entries to go through, which I will do this week. But, please, keep them coming.


Anonymous said...

Whew!! So good to know that everything is ok and you are not quitting the blog! yipee!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear all is well, apart from a busy work schedule. I have been missing reading about all the lovely crafting spaces you discover!!


Anonymous said...

Life happens to all of us. You take care of your own stuff we will all be patiently waiting to peek at your next crafty storage discovery. Thank you for all the time you put into this blog we all enjoy it. Enjoy your summer and thanks again for the inspiration you give us by showcasing these great ideas. :)

Anonymous said...

what anonymous said!!

kay said...

ditto like the others,sort yourself first and we will check in,x

Pamela said...

I love looking at other people's crafty storage. But your work has to come before the blog. And when you've just become a Creative Designer for Sissix I think we'll all forgive you! LOL! Congratulations!

Shelly @Crafty Creative Studio said...

Take your time!! We will all be that much more excited when you get back. :) Thanks for a place for everyone to share their ideas.


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