My friend Soraya and her husband Peter has designed its own storage system for ink pads!
Every time she was looking for a neat and easy way to store my distress ink. And if she used the ink, she always had to go looking for the right colour ... really awkward ... until her husband came with the solution ... he made some sketches ... went into his workshop ... and after a few days he came with a prototype. She was just so excited, finally a good storage system, convenient and easy. She can easily take it with her when I go scrapping, it’s an excellent addition to her desk and she can even finish it to suit my style by scrapping it in the colours she like.
Meanwhile, the prototype has grown into a full model.
They have chosen to put this article on the market, because she is convinced that more people are looking for good storage solutions. So take a look at her website for more photos of the Ink Pad Storage Tower designed by Made by Soraya. This is also the place to order them.
Ofcourse I have them myself and they are super! I altered them, so they fit nicely in my interior. For more pictures see my blog (Maria).

Just perfect !
GREAT idea, Soraya!!!
Great idea. I just stack them on top of themselves for now. :) I imagine shipping to the US would make the cost too much for me. But, I can always hope!
Thank you! For those who wonder: we ship worldwide. My website is still only in Dutch, but if you're interested in buying the ink pad storage tower, don't hesitate to send me an email: info@madebysoraya.nl
Hug, Soraya x
What's a great idea! yau are the Master!
Can I ask you to advise dimensial size, I mean width of the box and interval between rails, to take off the pad without difficults.
Thank you in advance!
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