Anyway, since then I have been in awe of her.
So fast forward to the present. What do I think of the Martha Stewart's Crafts range? Well, mixed feelings really, but love the presentation and the looks of their storage range. I am not sure if it's pricey, because of the exchange rate so good for us (UK). But non the less, here some you have the two things that I so far love, The ribbon box (above in Walnut colour, for more info click here) and the Photo Box (below, in Cloud, for more info click here).

As far as I am aware, they are only sold in Michaels and from the Martha Stewart website.
i just lurve martha's magazines, especially the wedding one, which is sometimes hard to find in the UK, but I track them down! I think the postage costs to the UK are fairly reasonable, and am really keen to buy some of her unches as the shapes are different to the ones available from other companies.
My sisterhas just left the comment above- has recommended your blog to me, I have spent the past hour or so trawling through the great ideas and inpiration that you have gathered! Amzing and very practical ideas! The martha stewart ribbon storage reminded me of part of my storage, I will have to email you a pic! and explain... Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful findings of other people's storage and practical solutions. (I tried to ignore the wonderful looking craft rooms, and co -ordinating neat jars! I was turning green with envy tee hee)
I followed a link, then another, then another and ended up here.
I'm really enjoying your blog and browsing through all of the ideas that you have accumulated for organization.
I have some of the Martha Stewart linen CD storage boxes (10 in fact) and in these I keep ALL of my stamps that I have unmounted and put into CD cases. Each box holds 30 cases and so this has been a big help in cutting back on my stamp storage. The wood blocks - although lovely - took up too much space. I have yet to sort them into categories but was interested to read how others were doing so. If you go to my blog and list the storage labels you'll see some of my craft room.
Thanks for the ideas!
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