If you have been following this blog for a while, you may remember a post abut Angela Urbano storage of the Quickutz dies. Well, Valerie is the organizational freak who came up with the Rolodex system for Quickutz (in her own words, I would never had use this expression for such an ingenious way to store dies).

The different thing that Valerie does is that she also writes the number assigned to each die on the back with a Sharpie pen. Then, they are stored in the Magpie containers backwards so you can see the numbers easily and know which die you’re looking for right away. It takes a while to do, but certainly makes life easier when you’re done working with the dies and is a snap to put them away. It’s also easy to see if you’re missing anything.

Also another good tip from Valerie is to store shapes in the tan containers and the alphabets in the pink ones, or any combination of different colored tins (Magpie tins come as far as I know in tan, pink and silver).
Finally, Valerie points out that if you stick a piece of foam in the back of any containers that aren’t full, the dies won't slide around. The system works and it certainly makes it easy to enjoy your Quickutz.
Okay Freaky Val...I'll now have to number all my dies. :oP
That would be right, you do!
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