So what to do? I've found some great ideas for scrap storage, which will hopefully encourage you to use up all those bits and pieces. Be frugal, environmentally friendly, and super crafty!
I know when I'm in the middle of a project, I'm not always great about cleaning as I go. Ashley has a great idea for temporary scraps storage and also shares how she files away her scraps for future use.
Amy uses a similar system, and has a great metal filing cart (Office Classics File Cart and Organizer from Costco) that keeps all her full-sized cardstock neat and tidy!
As previously featured here on Crafty Storage, Denise of Paper Pastime made her own "El Cheapo Clip it Up" and stores scraps in plastic page protectors.
Some other ideas:
- plastic accordion file folder
- photo boxes
- envelopes
As for me, I store my scraps using a plastic drawer organizer. Currently I keep Stampin' Up cardtock in its own drawer, then three drawers for mixed paper colours (red/pink/orange/yellow, green/brown/black/white, blue/purple)

Posted by Jessica
I store my scraps in a similar way to the white sterlite drawers. It's a cart on wheels with 12 drawers that are easy to remove and rummage through at your workstation. The drawers are 13x13 size and each holds a colour and there is even room for patterned and specialty paper Ideal scrap paper storage.
Great ideas, everyone! I store mine in oversized zip-top bags. The scraps are sorted by color, and then the bags are placed in a laundry basket under the bed (my scrap room is also the guest room).
I have pics here and here if you want to see them.
I have a clip it up and use SU cardstock exclusively also. I divide them in zippy bags to 4 colors each, so there is 3 bags per color family. If I have pieces too large for the bags, I put them in a basket and use them first and once they get smaller move them to a bag. I am thinking of dividing my colors to 2 each bag however.
I try to keep all my patterned papers in their original plastic packaging otherwise I put them in filing polypockets and keep any scraps with them. that way when i'm making a card, i can see if there is a small piece i can use before i cut into a larger piece.
i'd never dig out a big box of scraps to searxh for a matching piece, but this way my scraps do get used.
i do the same with my a4 papers and card from the papermill shop.
kathleen xx
Hi! I store my paperscraps in empty (not used) decorated pizzaboxes (the small size)...They fit perfectly in my expedit! :)
Her it is:
as you see i keep my new paper, and my cardstock in a papertrolly with hanging files (from an norwegian officesupplier)
I keep each color of my cardstock in seperate file folders. Each file folder also contains a small sandwich size ziploc bag for scraps in that color. This way when I go to get a specific color, I always look in the ziploc bag first to see if I have any pieces that can be used. I've managed to keep my scraps down this way.
I store my scraps in a book of sheet protectors. I think they are made to hold "reports" . I separate by color or theme. they can be bought at any office supply store, I actually got mine in Europe for VERY cheap.
I store my scraps two different ways: In the beginning I purchased Irises containers and started there by color. Lately, I have been buying Cropper Hopper sleeves and saving them there by manufacturer. I find both ways useful but the irises containers take more space.
For anyone wanting to find the Office Classics File Cart and Organizer but don't have a Costco membership, check this out...
It's $10 more but if you don't have the membership, it's probably still worth it!
Like you I have a silimar system arranged in ROYGBIV, white, blk, vellum. I guess I have a lot of scraps since I do wedding invitations as well. It's always great to have the extra pieces to choose from and my kids can go thru it as they wish. I haven't figured out a way for the pattern papers tho...
I do mine pretty much the same way as you, but I use 2 of the 6 drawer Iris carts & use one for cardstock & the other for pattern paper scraps. I've been using this system for several years & found it works best for me by keeping the cardstock & pp separated.
I have mine stored in flat cello bags with a tab punched from the actual color stapled to the top with the name written on it. This way I can search by color or by name without having to paw through piles. The bags are standing in a basket so it looks nice and it sits right near my punches and die cut machine so I always have it on hand.
I store my scraps in a file cabinet in hanging folders with folders in side the hanging folder so I can take the whole thing out. I also have the hanging folders in alphabetical order by color. Works great.
I put my scraps inside a Cropper Hopper folder which I then put at the front of the bigger vertical Cropper Hopper of the same color family. Found myself looking at the scraps first instead of the whole sheets.
My way is pretty similar, I put my scraps by color (blue, green, red, etc) in accordian file folders (closed on 3 sides) and on a shelf right above my work area so I can just grab. Anything smaller than a 1/2 sheet goes in there. Since I've been doing that, I use up most of my scraps as I go for that before a full sheet and many times I find a shade I choose is not the one I thought I would.
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